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Bazoocam Review

 This site is basically a copy of Chatroulette, but with one major difference, which is that it has a focus on French users, AND it has been successful in acquiring a major visitor base in France. Thus, if you’re looking to practice a little Français, this is the place to be! But, obviously things aren’t quite that simple, and that is a very brief idea of what Bazoocam is all about, so let’s dive in a little deeper into the mud and dig some extra dirt up!

First of all, you have to be wondering whether or not this webcam video chat site is popular enough to keep your attention, you know what I’m saying? As in, are there even enough people online to bother giving it a try? The short answer is YES, there are plenty, so you’re good to go in that department. In fact, this is one of the more popular roulette chat sites, at least as far as I can tell, so yea, you’re good. The next thing you probably want to know is whether or not the site and software are both fast and not a headache to use. Well, good news there as well – the site loads super quick, and the software is pretty seamless to use. In other words, the other issues that often pop up with a site like this besides popularity seem to be solved, and the site seems to be in good shape overall for chatting people up! Woohoo! Okay, I think I’ve covered my bases on this one, you can check out Bazoocam at